Disruptive business models, employee engagement crisis, mental health crisis, climate change, global pandemics. The answer is a new type of leader, fit for the challenges of the 21st century.
Real transformation comes from a deep understanding about leadership and the needs of leaders in the 21st century. At Serrano 99 we strive to understand the status-quo and develop interventions that drive positive, transformative change, our case for a new type of leader is:
Today’s world
We have moved beyond an employee engagement crisis to a mental health crisis.
85 % of employees worldwide are disengaged*
32 % of UK full-time workers suffer from mental health problems**
*Gallup, 2019. **Mynurva survey, 2019
There are tangible business costs to failed leadership practices:
- Increased Absenteeism
- Increased Sick days
- Poor Retention Rates
- Loss in Competitiveness
- Reduced Productivity

Tomorrow’s world
The 21st century organisational needs, identified for their leaders.
65% identify ability to lead through influence*
81% identify the ability to lead through more complexity and ambiguity*
*Source: Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends Survey, 2019
Today’s leaders need to close their skill gap (according to FT skills gap analysis) and develop:
- Ability to work in a team
- Ability to work with a diverse group of people
- Ability to solve complex problems
- Ability to build, sustain and expand a network of people
- Time management and ability to prioritise